Taxes on Sugar Can Save Many Lives
People are absolutely right when they say that no one else can make more harm to our health than we ourselves. Environmental contamination, ecological problems and mechanical damages make only 30% of the entire harm made to our bodies. The rest 70% are result from wrong lifestyle and poor eating habits.
Obesity gives out overeating and wrong eating habits. Fast food is primarily oriented on hunger elimination which is easier to achieve by means of heavy and sweet foods without any useful to health fruit and vegetables. Most people insist that they do not eat much because they have discovered a miraculous way of eliminating their hunger. Just one sweet cake and I can live for quite a long time without sufferings from starvation. Unfortunately, they deceive themselves. Let us look deeper into products that we eat and sugar especially, because the latter namely makes the biggest trouble to our health and appearance.
Sugar Addicts
It is true that when you have eaten something sweet you feel both happier and more energized. This is how most people become sugar addicts. Having put a teaspoon of sugar more to their tea or coffee they notice that this tea or coffee tastes much better. Due to the wrong way of life they have no time to stop and think. Thus, they do what their already addicted to sweets organism demands. Sweets really provide us with energy more than less sweet fruit and vegetables which contain a certain percent of sugar as well. That is why people resort to easier ways of gaining more energy becoming heavy sugar abusers.
It Is All about Calories
In order to avoid excess weight and keep your health on a proper level a man needs about 2500 Kcal per day. For a woman this figure is slightly different – it is 2000 Kcal. A perfect layout is to work out a menu consisting of natural products giving 2000-2500 Kcal at outcome. Then the human organism receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals so that all systems could function properly. One piece of chocolate cake contains about 300 calories! And as you know sugar addicts can never stop on one cake only. Thus, during the very morning meal they manage to overload their organism with calories allowing other foods that are going to be taken during the day to be laid in fats.
Can Taxes for Sugar Decrease the Number of Obese People?
Well, it is quite a good idea. But as we talk about those that adore sweets and sugar as about addicts, let us see if prohibition against drugs eliminated drug abuse. These are extremely expensive, it is not so easy to buy them as a piece of cake, they do much more harm to health than sweets and, moreover, people caught on taking drugs get imprisoned. Unfortunately, all those measures do not save at all. On the other hand, it is true that the number of those dying from drugs abuse is lower. Thus, legalizing certain restrictions against sugar and sweets may bring certain results. Taxes for sugar can make people think twice before buying something that grew so much more expensive.
Why Canadian Health Care Institution Became Concerned about Sugar Taxes
It is pleasant to think that national Canadian Health&Care institution is sincerely concerned about health of the nation. Well, in most cases it seems to be so, and it is so. However, it is not about care but about money. Just think about it. There are certain laws and programs helping people to take care of their health. Medications and medical services often cost much, and it is the government that gives patients a hand when they fall ill. As we have discovered above, sugar abuse causes most health disorders. It turns out that people themselves make harm to their health and then turn to Canadian Health&Care institutions for help because they have neither physical nor financial forces to help themselves. And the government spends finances on eliminating the disorders that would have never occurred if they have simply kept from overeating sugar.
Therefore, it is quite logical to legalize taxes for sugar. Can it help to eliminate the number of obesity sufferers? Definitely, yes! They will surely buy less sugar and sweets if those cost more.